How to flip images in PowerPoint

In this article, you'll learn how to flip an image in PowerPoint. This feature is useful when you need to change the orientation of an image for your presentation.

1. Start by selecting the image you want to flip.

2. Click on the Picture Format option located in the top toolbar.

3. Go to the Arrange section and find the Rotate object option. From the menu, choose either Flip Vertical or Flip Horizontal based on what you need.

And that's it! You've successfully flipped an image in PowerPoint.


1. Can I flip multiple images at once in PowerPoint?

Yes, you can select multiple images and follow the same steps to flip them all at once.

2. What if the Picture Format option is not available?

The Picture Format option only appears when an image is selected. If you can't see it, make sure you've selected an image.

3. Can I undo a flip in PowerPoint?

Yes, you can undo a flip by clicking the Undo button in the top toolbar or pressing Ctrl+Z.

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