How to merge shapes in PowerPoint
In this article, you'll learn how to merge shapes in a PowerPoint presentation.
1. Start by selecting the shapes you wish to merge. Do this by holding the Control button on your keyboard and clicking on each shape.
2. Navigate to the Shape Formats option in the top toolbar.
3. From there, go to the Insert Shapes menu & Click on the Merge Shapes option.
4. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Union from this menu. This action will merge all your selected shapes.
And that's it! You've successfully merged shapes in your PowerPoint presentation.
1. What does the Union option do in the Merge Shapes menu?
The Union option combines all selected shapes into one shape.
2. Can I unmerge shapes after merging them?
No, once shapes are merged using the Union option, they cannot be unmerged.
3. Can I select shapes for merging without holding the Control button?
No, to select multiple shapes for merging, you need to hold the Control button while clicking on each shape.
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