How Plotline increased feature adoption by adding 5x more videos on their knowledge base


Adarsh Tadimari

Co-founder & CTO

Plotline is an in-app engagement platform that helps product and marketing teams at mobile companies launch in-app experiences in minutes without developer involvement.

“Clueso has cut short our time to create documentation massively - what used to take us a day now takes less than 5 mins. It's magical. Would definitely recommend this to all SaaS companies.” 

– Adarsh Tadimari, Co-founder & CTO

Clueso replaced two vendors for Plotline

When Plotline approached Clueso, they were using two separate vendors: one for creating help documentation and another for hosting their knowledge base. Despite this, they faced several significant challenges:

  • Creating documentation was time consuming: Writing text articles, taking screenshots, and finding the right words was a tedious and manual process. Especially for a team where there was no one specifically focused on writing docs, it took a backseat and nobody really wrote as many docs as they would have liked.  
  • Lack of Video Content: Despite knowing that videos were more engaging, Plotline had no videos in their knowledge base because of how much time and effort was required to create them.
  • Inefficient workflow: Creating documentation on one platform and hosting them on another was cumbersome and inefficient. It was hard to update the docs regularly.

In less than a week, the Plotline team, with Clueso's support, successfully migrated their entire knowledge base to Clueso. They also replaced their previous documentation tool with Clueso.

How does Plotline use Clueso?

Plotline’s tech and customer success team began using Clueso to create help articles and how-to videos for their knowledge base to provide an enhanced learning experience for their customers. After creating a few videos on Cueso, they found the process so easy that they also started using Clueso for many use-cases outside of support, such as new feature announcements and social media launches.

Plotline’s Knowledge Base created and managed with Clueso

Here’s how different teams at Plotline are using Clueso:

  1. Tech Team: Creating product integration docs, how-to articles, and videos.
  2. Product/Design Team: Producing new feature release videos and GIFs for in-app updates, newsletters, and social media.
  3. Customer Success Team: Generating videos and support articles to address ad-hoc customer queries.
  4. Marketing Team: Crafting sales demo videos and marketing content for social media.
Clueso has made video creation a breeze for us. We can now produce videos for various use cases in no time, which was a huge challenge before. Our customers are absolutely loving these videos!

– Shubham Jindal, Co-founder & CEO

A feature launch video made in Clueso posted by Plotline’s CEO Shubham, on Linkedin

What impact has Clueso had on Plotline?

Aspire’s operations and L&D teams have created 60+ stunning videos in <3 months for training internal teams and customers. 

Writing docs is 10x faster:
The team saves tens of hours each month that were previously spent on manual documentation.

5X more videos are created each month :
The Plotline team now produces videos for a wide range of use cases, which was previously unfeasible due to the time and expertise required for video creation.

Reduction in Support Tickets and 75% Faster Resolution:
Clueso enables the team to document many more workflows on Plotline than was previously possible. This means that when a support query comes in on Slack, the team can quickly share a support article that includes both text and video formats. This has led to a 75% faster resolution of product how-to queries.

Increase in feature adoption rates:
Customers now enjoy a quicker and more efficient training experience with bite-sized “how-to” videos and visual articles available throughout the knowledge base.

The efficiency and ease of creating high-quality documentation with Clueso have significantly improved our customer support and overall user experience.

– Anmol Pandey, Customer Success Lead

Clueso has now become Plotline’s go-to tool for creating product videos and documentation.

Looking to improve your employee/customer training?

If you’re looking to create engaging product videos/articles, we’d love to chat to learn more about your requirements and show you how Clueso could help. Book a demo here or reach out to us at

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